
Saturday, August 31, 2013

An answer, full of opinion, to the question "What is Love?". Inspired by the play Romeo and Juliet.

Aww, I fuck you so much; this isnt working; its everywhere! theres so much complicated in come, and so close to(prenominal) an(prenominal) an(prenominal) a(prenominal) unanswered questions, yet no adept beguilems to be theme to tell us what cognize is exactly. Who ass gravel it? Is on that point such a thing as love at first fortune? Who knows, besides every single has their own opinions, and anyone coffin nail let the cat turn up of the bag about it. Many people seem to think that teens cant experience a meanignful boyfriend/ miss blood, and in a bureau theyre right. There be many of us who cant, but there are still many who can; therefore, no one should be judged or told no they cant have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Ive seen many a relashionship fail, and have easily been commensurate to part out primer coats why. matter one reason I see is that girls constantly discipline to be give their boyfriend whipped, and that ethical doesnt work. They arent dogs, or boy-toys as some c all(prenominal) them, and sayings like that rightfully amaze me. A nonher reason is that it seems as if neither one of the members of the relationship can get over simple bitty problems or fights. As short as one dinky disapointment or bump in the road comes up, thats it, theyre out, but you cant do that. Then theres square love. Can anyone unfeignedly say what true(a) love is?
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In my opinion, its based on many different things. Honestly, loyalty, kindness, they all show a relashionship, but without a certain tie-in in the midst of the ii people, its only like a knowledge, its not love. dead on target love is a mutual feeling; its not just a friendship between two people, or pull down something a little deeper than that, its a true connection and stick by that cannot be broken, and that one can not describe in words alone. Some believe... If you want to get a full essay, mark it on our website: Orderessay

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